Wells & Water Fountains

There is no moderation in captivation. You cannot be kind of captivated because you can’t be kind of captive. You are either under an arrest or you’re free to go.

You get choose what captivates you.

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The Power Of Your Second Yes

Our lives are marked by being devoted, whether to a relationship, to a team, or to God, but the early church after their initial salvation experience decide to devote themselves to something so critical: community. We were not designed to do life alone, we need one another.

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The Weight of Glory

We are beginning a journey this year with a desire for deeper things of God.
We are calling this series “Gain The Weight.” The objective of this series is to step on the scale of our soul and ensure we have the muscle needed to withstand the fight. We measure our life in resume virtues instead of eulogy virtues. We love to measure our life from the size of our past accomplishments instead of our lifelong obedience.

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It’s Complicated

The holidays can be quite complicated. Even Jesus himself had a complicated family history. But there’s nothing too far from His reach.

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Joy Killers

These four things are killing your joy. In “Joy Killers,” we learn how to maintain our joy no matter what comes our way.

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Three Hinderances of A Healthy Heart

The Main Idea today is this:
I want to pose this question to you today: What’s hindering your heart?
What is clogging the spiritual arteries of your soul?

The wisest man to ever live said this in the book of Proverbs-
Proverbs 4:23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

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Fear Not

All throughout the Bible God encourages us and really commands us to live without FEAR. “Fear Not” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. One mention for each day of the year!

Because God knew that each day you would face issues that would force you to choose to live in fear or to live by faith.

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Stirred, Gifted, Sacred

Stirred Hearts. Gifted Hands. Sacred Offerings.
There are a lot of parallel similarities between where we are as a church, and where Moses and the Israelite people found themselves in the book of Exodus. Today we explore those similarities.

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Feeding On Empty

Many of us have accepted Christ as our Savior but have not submitted to Him as our Shepherd. What would it look like to submit ourselves to God’s guidance & correction in our day to day lives?

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